Monday, December 9, 2013

Movies and Christmas and Cats, Oh My!

I had intended to write on here regularly but life has gotten in my way.  I know I promised a review of Plain Truth by Jodi Piccoult but I finished that so long ago that I no longer remember any of the things I wanted to say about it. 

This is what I have been up to.

I reread Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (for the sixth or seventh time)  after seeing the film with my friend Abby.  We had such a good time and will be each other's dates for the next two movies.  The movie was brilliantly made.  Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was on the edge of my seat during the tense moments.  I admit that I had tears come to my eyes when Katniss gave her speech in District 11.  It was much better than the first movie.   I cannot wait to see what they do with Mockingjay especially since it deals with the dark underside of war.

As an aside, I love Effie Trinket.  Her character just makes me smile.  I loved the butterfly costume she wore in this movie.  I couldn't find a picture that made it look as spectacular as it looked on film.

We have decorated our house for Christmas.  We usually get our tree on the first Saturday of December but this year we got it a week earlier.  I am so glad we did because it was windy and in the single digits this last weekend.  I found more penguin ornaments and we finally got rid of the string of old fashioned large bulbs.  My penguins are up around the house.  I decorate with penguins because I absolutely love them and out of sheer laziness.  If I don't feel like taking down my Christmas decorations until February, it doesn't look so bad.  Penguins are more wintery than Christmasy. 

If you look closely at the right side of the Christmas tree picture, you'll notice something new.  We added to our family!  That's right.  We got two kittens.  I only intended to get one but I was having such a hard time choosing between the feisty one or the calm one.  Ken decided we should get both of them since they would be happier together.  He now claims that it was because I "would still be standing there trying to pick one."  They have been a great addition and have brought a lively element to our house.  Not to mention that kittens are absolutely adorable and clumsy and hilarious.

 We named them Ferris Mewler and Cameron Frye.  I had the name Ferris picked out (thanks Bloggess for such an awesome cat name) and Cameron just seemed right for his shy, timid brother. 

They are little hellions.  So much for having a quiet one.  Ferris has bonded with Ken and Cameron has decided to be mine.  So yeah, we now have five cats.  I'm still not changing the blog name.  Maybe a subtitle would be fitting.  I still maintain that I'm not a crazy cat lady because one cat lays under our bed and snores all the time and my husband decided to keep two of the four cats.  So technically, I only have two cats; my husband has two and his son has the sleepy old one.

I tried to take a cute picture of them in Ken's hunting boots but cats are not very cooperative.  I also apparently really need a pedicure.  I still may crop this picture and use it on the Christmas card.

As for reading, I haven't had a lot of time.  I know.  I have to make time.  Finding time to read is difficult when you work from ten in the morning to ten at night and still need to spend time with your family and friends.  Not to mention that cleaning is necessary so my house doesn't look like an episode of Extreme Hoarders.  I also crocheted a baby blanket for my little sister's baby that should arrive next month.

My schedule has settled down and I have picked up a book again.  I'm reading a little bit every day.  I had no idea how much I need to read until I didn't have time.  I could actually feel my brain cells shriveling up and dying. 

Oh, and I seem to be coming out of my depressive episode.  I can't describe how that feels.  I almost feel like I'm physically lighter.  There is light at the end of the tunnel. 

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