Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I Got It At The Library: Let's Pretend This Never Happened

I Got It At The Library: A Book Review


Let's Pretend This Never Happened

by Jenny Lawson


I should just be honest right now.  I read this about a month ago so I may have forgotten a lot.  I suck like that.  I'll just have to go based off what I can remember.

I love Jenny Lawson.  I have been reading her blog, aptly titled The Bloggess, for a few years now.  It really is a look into a crazy (but in a fun-I-want-to-go-to-dinner-with-her sort of way), strange mind.  This woman bought a giant metal chicken because her husband didn't want her to buy towels.  She and a boar head named James Garfield orchestrated a Christmas miracle with the help of her many devoted readers.  She also paints a pretty honest portrait of what it's like to suffer from anxiety and depression.

Of course, when I heard she was writing a book, I was excited.  Yet it still took me a year to check Let's Pretend This Never Happened out from the library.  It came the morning we were about to leave on a fishing trip and I read it before the weekend was over.

I honestly could not stop chuckling.  I want to say I laughed but my father-in-law was around and I don't want him to think I was crazy.  If you don't like her writing style on her blog, you probably won't like this book.  If you are already a fan, you will definitely enjoy this.

There are a few stories that she has shared on the blog with some added details.  The book includes the infamous tale of Beyonce the chicken.  There are also some gems from her childhood.  Believe me, her childhood was not that of a typical child.  I loved the story of the turkeys.  

I wish I could tell you more but I have read about four books since then and I can't remember offhand everything in this book.  I loved it.  I am trying to convince my darling husband (who doesn't like to read) to pick this up.  I have yet to convince him.  

I know summer is half over but this makes a great vacation read.

Get this book from your local library.  Or, if you're feeling generous, purchase it to add to your home library.  I kind of, sort of promise it will make you laugh.

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